Zimbabwe: Citizenship Lobby Group Update #7
Published: 30/Jan/2002
Source: Citizenship Lobby Group (CLG)
This month, some people who gave up Zimbabwean Citizenship in preference of their foreign citizenship in compliance with the Electoral Amendment Act 2001, have been receiving NOTICE OF OBJECTION letters from District and Provincial Registries around the country.
The letter reads as follows:
Electoral Act Chapter 2.01 (Sect 25)
Notice of Objection
You are notified that I have reason to believe
a) that you are not to be entitled to be registered as a voter in ….. (area)
b) that you are not qualified for registration as a voter in ….. (area)
on the grounds that you have in terms of schedule 3 section 3 (3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe ceased to be a citizen of Zimbabwe and that, unless you give notice of appeal on the form annexed hereto before the expiration of seven days from the date of this notice, or unless on representation made by you, I withdraw the objection:
c) your claim to be registered as a voter will be rejected
d) your name will be struck off the roll.
If you give due notice of appeal, the matter will be set down for a hearing before a magistrate of the province in which you reside and the day and place appointed for such hearing will be notified in due course.
Signed by constituency registrar, (area)
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