Zimbabwe: Human rights body makes recommendations
Published: 22/Jan/2020
Source: Sunday Mail (Harare)
Precious Masakara
The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) has come up with recommendations to various stakeholders following their public hearings on access to documentation.
The recommendations were directed to the Registrar-General’s office, Zimbabwe Republic Police, The Parliament of Zimbabwe, Ministries of Finance and Economic Development; Primary and Secondary Education and the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services.
During a provincial stakeholder feedback meeting held in Harare, the ZHRC acting executive secretary, Mr Vengesai Eric Mukutire, said workers from the Registrar-General’s office should continuously have customer care lessons as members of the public complained that they were rude.
“Last year we conducted public hearings of the national inquiry on access to documentation and we managed to come up with (several) recommendations,” he said.
“The Registrar-General’s office is to conduct continuous refresher lessons for its personnel on customer care. The RG’s office is also to train staff in sign language and improve infrastructural accessibility to people with disabilities.”
The objectives of the meetings were to share preliminary findings and recommendations on challenges of accessing documentation obtained from public hearings conducted in the province last year.
Read further: https://www.sundaymail.co.zw/human-rights-body-make-recommendations