Zimbabwe: Is Registry Sabotaging Issuance of National Identity Cards?

Published: 19/Oct/2021
Source: ZimEye

MUTARE – Zimbabwe Election Advocacy Trust (ZEAT) has called on the Registrar`s Office to come up with a mechanism to deal with the delays being experienced in the issuance of national Identity documents.

ZEAT Executive Director Ignatius Sadziwa said delays may defranchise potential voters during the forthcoming by elections which are expected soon.

ZEAT is a non-partisan and non profit election support organisation that advocates for free, air and transparent and credible elections.

“Everyone has a right to a national identity document. We can have another section of the citizenry being issued with IDs while others are not. Identification is a constitutional requirement on voter registration,” said Sadziwa.

Read further: https://www.zimeye.net/2021/10/19/is-registry-sabotaging-issuance-of-national-identity-cards/

Themes: ID Documents and Passports, Voter Registration
Regions: Zimbabwe
Year: 2021