November 30, 2016 7:06 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
Extract from Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Bulletin for November 2016 Interview with Laura Parker Can you give us a short description of the type of work you do? I plan and coordinate statelessness activities for UNHCR in Côte d’Ivoire, […]
November 22, 2016 4:12 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
En République démocratique du Congo (RDC), la supposée double nationalité belgo-congolaise du Premier ministre, Samy Badibanga, est au centre d’une polémique. Pour le ministre des Relations avec le Parlement, la double nationalité pose un problème juridique et moral mais pour […]
November 18, 2016 4:18 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
Nqobile Tshili, Chronicle Correspondent THE Minister of Home Affairs Dr Ignatius Chombo is proposing to amend citizenship clauses in the Constitution as part of legislation reforms. If the constitutional amendment is adopted, this would be the first time the country […]
November 17, 2016 3:17 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
The right to a name and nationality is one of the most fundamental human right, however, a lot of children in South Africa spend much of their lives without this legal identity and the benefits and protections it affords. Children […]
November 16, 2016 3:25 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
By Tom Gardner LAKE NAKIVALE, Uganda – Nyirahubinka Maria, a Congolese refugee and mother of two, lives in “New Congo”, the oldest and largest of 86 small villages scattered over the plains and low rising hills that surround Lake Nakivale […]
November 15, 2016 10:25 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
Earlier this year the Comoros Islands, a small archipelago off the coast of Mozambique, expressed interest in entering talks with the Kuwaiti government. The subject? A deal that would grant Comorian citizenship to the stateless Bidoon population of Kuwait and the […]
November 11, 2016 10:29 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
Sanoh appelle les autres Etats de la Cedeao à matérialiser leurs engagements Au cours d’une conférence de presse qu’il a animée mardi, le Directeur de la libre circulation de la Cedeao, N’Faly Sanoh, a souligné l’urgence que les autres Etats […]
November 10, 2016 12:51 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
De nombreux internautes ont violemment critique le president de Paddec, qui fut candidat aux présidentielles camerounaises de 2011, lorsqu’il a annonce qu’il votait le mardi 08 novembre 2016 pour le candidat républicain, Donald Trump. Lire la suite.
November 9, 2016 1:21 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
By Diana Gichengo The Makonde community in Kenya arrived in the country in the 1940s mainly as laborers in sugar and sisal plantations at the coast from Mozambique, majority of them settled in Tanzania while the rest were left in […]
November 7, 2016 8:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
By Achieng Akena These lives we lead, these struggles we fight – they are not without a cost that is very personal to each of us. A cost to our health, our relationships… and sometimes we pay the ultimate price, […]
November 5, 2016 6:27 pm
Published by Olivia Bueno
The SADC CRAI Network is a branch of the Citizenship Rights in Africa Initiative (CRAI). CRAI is a coalition of civil society organisations in Africa campaigning to end statelessness and the arbitrary denial of nationality in Africa. More information as […]
November 1, 2016 12:19 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Extract from Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Bulletin on Statelessness, October 2016 At the 73rd session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (September 2016), a strong set of recommendations on protecting children’s right to a nationality […]