December 12, 1963 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Act No 49 of 1963, Cap 170 Laws of Kenya. Repealed by the Citizenship and Immigration Act 2011. Download from UNHCR:
November 6, 1963 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Télécharger: Decret Portant Application du Code de la Nationalité Tchadienne (PDF)
December 22, 1962 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Original post-independence law, still in force; incompatible with some aspects of 2012 constitution (especially on dual nationality). Extracts on citizenship at birth: Article 2. Acquisition of Citizenship by Operation of Law Any person: a) whose father is a Somali citizen; […]
June 20, 1961 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Download / télecharger: Loi 35-61 du 20 juin 1961 portant code de la nationalité
April 26, 1954 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
April 18, 1954 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Download file: here (55 kb) Repealed and replaced by Law No.18 of 2010.
July 22, 1930 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
(Note: superseded by 2003 Nationality Proclamation.) NATIONALITY OF CHILDREN BORN OF ETHIOPIAN SUBJECTS IN ETHIOPIAN OR ABROAD 1. Any person born in Ethiopia or abroad, whose father or mother is Ethiopian, is an Ethiopian subject. NATIONALITY IN CASE OF MARRIAGE […]
April 12, 1930 12:00 am
Published by Olivia Bueno
Considering that it is of importance to settle by international agreement questions relating to the conflict of nationality laws; Being convinced that it is in the general interest of the international community to secure that all its members should recognise […]