Becoming digital citizens: The unending struggle for human rights among former stateless communities in Kenya

Published: 20/Feb/2024
Source: Democracy in Africa

By Fred Nasubo

On December 5, 2023, the Kenyan High Court  suspended the registration and issuance of new digital ID cards, known as Maisha number. In the ruling, Justice John Chigiti ordered the government to ensure public participation and data protection impact assessment before implementing the programme.

The lawsuit, filed by a consortium of Human rights organizations, argued that the government’s move to introduce digital ID posed a serious threat to people’s privacy, and could prevent historically marginalized and minority groups from obtaining identification documents and, therefore, becoming digital citizens.

This article underscores the critical need for former stateless minorities to access digital citizenship and enjoy the right to nationality. It looks into their continued struggle for human rights even after being recognised as Kenyan nationals and citizens.

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Themes: Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious, ID Documents and Passports, Statelessness
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2024