Birth registration and statelessness in the member states of the Southern Africa Development Community

Published: 23/Déc/2022
Source: UNHCR

By Anette Bayer Forsingdal, Dianne Hubbard and Adrijana Corluka

Scope and objectives of the study

This report focuses on the nexus between birth registration, citizenship and statelessness in the 16 member states of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The intention is to take stock of the status and performance of the 16 SADC member states’ birth registration systems by analysing legislation governing birth registration against a selected set of benchmarks, considering fundamental legal safeguards for preventing statelessness in civil registration legislation. The report also identifies innovative practices, trends and gaps in programming for achieving birth registration for all. The report has been developed to inform and support UNHCR’s Southern Africa regional strategy on birth registration and statelessness in terms of Action Point 7’s target that by 2024 no cases of statelessness will occur  due to lack of birth registration.


Themes: Acquisition par les enfants, Enregistrement des naissances, Normes internationales
Regions: Namibie, Zambie, Afrique du Sud, Zimbabwe, Angola, Afrique australe, Malawi, Lesotho, Botswana, République du Congo, République Démocratique du Congo, Comores, Madagascar, Mozambique, Eswatini, Ile Maurice, Seychelles
Year: 2022