CERD Concluding Observations: Mauritania, 2018
Published: 30/May/2018
Source: UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
Discrimination in the transmission of nationality
21. The Committee is concerned to note that article 8 of the Nationality Code (Act No. 1961-112 of 12 June 1961) and articles 13 and 16 of Act No. 2010-023 of 11 February 2010, which repeals and replaces certain provisions of the 1961 Act, establish different rules for men and women with respect to the transmission of nationality to children born abroad and to spouses of foreign origin (art. 5).
22. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure that Mauritanian men and women have equal rights with respect to the transmission of nationality to children and spouses.
The situation of Mauritanian refugees repatriated from Senegal
23. While noting the information provided by the State party, the Committee is concerned at reports that some Mauritanians who have been repatriated from Senegal face continued challenges in obtaining the assistance they need for the purposes of reintegration into society and the public administration; access to education, health care and employment; and access to civil status documents and the recovery of land to which they claim title. The Committee is also concerned about the risk of statelessness faced by some returnees. The fact that the State party has not yet adopted a law on asylum is also regrettable (art. 5).
24. The Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts to find sustainable solutions for the resettlement of all Mauritanian returnees from Senegal in economic and social life, including by promoting their access to employment, education and health care and expediting their reinstatement in the administration, access to landownership and receipt of civil status documents, including for children. The Committee recommends that the State party ratify and implement the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. The Committee also recommends that the State party expedite the adoption of the bill on the right to asylum in Mauritania.
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