Championing an Inclusive, Trustworthy and, Accountable Approach to Uganda’s ID Infrastructure and the Transition to a New Generation ID

Published: 1/Jun/2024
Source: Unwanted Witness (Kampala)

Executive Summary

The position paper provides an in-depth analysis of the National ID System in Uganda, focusing on the National Security Identification System and the emerging New Generation National ID Project (Ndaga Muntu). The NSIS project, initiated to address security threats and enhance public services, raised human rights concerns around increased unlawful surveillance and potential privacy violations. Despite efforts to implement data integrity and privacy protection protocols, fears of government overreach persisted.

The paper highlights the purpose of examining human rights concerns related to Uganda’s ID infrastructure and the impending New Generation National ID Project. It critically evaluates NSIS, emphasizing its shortcomings and advocating for a transparent, inclusive, and accountable identification framework. The role of the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) is scrutinized, addressing privacy concerns and security vulnerabilities.

The overview of the paper traces the developmental trajectory of NSIS, its obstacles, and progress. It analyzes the effectiveness of NIRA in citizen registration and data consolidation, expressing concerns about financial strain and potential exclusion of marginalized populations. Privacy issues, legal framework gaps, and the introduction of advanced biometric measures in the New Generation National ID Project are extensively explored.

The paper presents several recommendations to enhance Uganda’s National ID system, acknowledging significant shortcomings in the current system. Overall, the study emphasizes how the deployment of Biometric technologies in a human rights void may raise predictable and serious human rights concerns.


Themes: Discrimination, ID Documents and Passports
Regions: Uganda
Year: 2024