Citizenship and Forced Migration in the Great Lakes Region
Published: 8/Apr/2005
Source: International Refugee Rights Initiative
Report of a Consultation on the Feasibility of a Collaborative Network-Building Project Linking Research with Program and Policy Development co-hosted by The Social Science Research Council and The International Refugee Rights Initiative
The following report provides a narrative account of a consultation that took place in Uganda in April 2005. The aim of the discussion was to explore the feasibility of a collaborative network-building project linking research with program and policy development in the Great Lakes Region. It brought together local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from seven core Great Lakes countries, in addition to representatives of law faculties, forced migration and conflict research centers based at the region’s universities, and a small number of nationality and citizenship experts. In order to focus the discussion, the consultation concentrated specifically on questions surrounding belonging and citizenship, a dynamic that has been one of the major causes of flight in the Great Lakes region over the last decade, sending millions into exile.
Download report of consultation: here.