Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act No.23 of 1984 as amended to 2003
Published: 30/Jul/2003
Act 23/1984, as amended by Acts 7/1990 (S. 152(5)), 12/2001, 22/2001, 23/2001, 1/2002, and 12/2003
Amending legislation:
- Electoral Act No.7 of 1990
- Citizenship of Zimbabwe Amendment Act, 2001 (date of commencement: 6th July, 2001).
- Criminal Penalties Amendment Act, 2002 (date of commencement: 20th May, 2002).
- Children’s Protection and Adoption Amendment Act, 2001 (date of commencement: 18th January, 2002).
- Public Order and Security Act, 2001 (date of commencement: 22nd January, 2002).
- Citizenship of Zimbabwe Amendment Act, 2003 (date of commencement: 5th March, 2004).
Download file: Zimbabwe Citizenship Act 1984 as amended to 2003
Text available from Veritas Zimbabwe: