Civil Registration Vital Statistics and Identity (CRVSID) Country Case Study: Namibia

Published: 1/Sep/2023
Source: UNICEF

This represents one of six case studies initiated by the UN Legal Identity Agenda (UNLIA) Task Force, examining the experiences of six nations: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Colombia, Kenya, Namibia, and Rwanda. The primary aim is to draw lessons from these countries, considering their diverse experiences and perspectives, regarding integrating their Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems with their population register/ID systems. While this may be a relatively small sample size, these case studies offer valuable insights that can benefit other countries embarking on a similar journey. By doing so, they contribute to the overarching goal of UNLIA and help propel progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their associated targets.

The study seeks to answer three fundamental questions:
1. How was the stock built? This pertains to the establishment of the initial population register.
2. When was the civil registration data linked to the population register/identity database? This explores the timeline of integrating civil registration data into the population register.
3. How long did the system transition from a transient to a steady state? This examines the duration required for the system to achieve a stable and sustainable state.

This case study and the others also aim to assess how the enabling environment and the organizational capabilities, including their legal and institutional frameworks, supported these countries in their efforts to develop their CRVSID systems.


Themes: Birth Registration, ID Documents and Passports
Regions: Namibia
Year: 2023