CRC Concluding Observations: Cameroon, 2010

Published: 18/Feb/2010
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child


Fifty-third session, Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 44 of the Convention

Concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Cameroon

Birth registration

33. The Committee notes the ongoing review process of birth registration and welcomes efforts made to ensure registration of disadvantaged Bororo, Baka, Bakola and Mafa children. However, the Committee is concerned that despite these measures the level of birth registration remains low and seriously affects the rights of children to identity and access to basic services. The Committee also notes with concern the significant disparities between urban and rural areas in birth registration.

34. The Committee urges the State party to strengthen and further develop its national system of registration to ensure that all children born within the national territory are registered, paying particular attention to the most disadvantaged children including Bororo, Baka, Bakola and Mafa children, girls, children living in rural areas, and refugee children. Furthermore, in order to implement effective birth registration, the Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Create institutional structures with adequate human, technical and financial resources at all levels that allow compulsory, accessible and free birth registration especially in rural and remote areas and refugee camps;
(b) Extend the time period during which obtaining birth registration is free from 30 to 120 days and establish easily accessible registration centres and mobile units for remote and rural areas, giving priority and resources to placing centres in underserved regions which have low rates of birth registration;
(c) Seek technical assistance, inter alia from UNICEF, for the implementation of these recommendations.

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Themes: International standards, Discrimination, Gender, Identity Documents, Birth Registration
Regions: Central Africa, Cameroon
Year: 2010