CRC Concluding Observations: Ghana, 2015

Published: 9/Jun/2015
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child


Concluding observations on the combined third to fifth periodic reports of Ghana

Birth registration

29. While noting the  significant progress in improving birth registration coverage  from 17 percent in  2002  to  about  58 percent in  2014,  the  Committee  reiterates  its  concerns (CRC/C/GHA/CO/2, para. 32) about the  many challenges faced by the  State party such  as understaffing and inadequate funding and about the difficulties in ensuring, particularly, the birth  registration  of  children  in  rural  areas as  well  as of  asylum-seeking  and  refugee

30. The  Committee  reiterates  its  previous  recommendations  (CRC/C/GHA/CO/2, para. 32) and recommends that the State party:
(a) Implement the recommendations of the “Birth Registration bottleneck analysis”;
(b) Enter  into  a  formal  partnership  and  collaboration  agreement  between the Birth and Death Registry and the Ghana Health Service;
(c) Allocate  sufficient  funds  for  the  strengthening  of  birth  registration initiatives;
(d) Extend  free  birth  registration  and  issuance  of  certificates  for,  at  least, children under five years of age;
(e) Strengthen  and  expand  mobile  birth  registration  to  reach  universal coverage, particularly, for registration of children in rural areas, asylum-seeking and refugee children, and those who have never been registered;
(f) Amend  the   Refugee   Law  (1992)   to   ensure   that   recognized   refugee children born outside the State party can be issued with substitute birth certificates;
(g) Increase  public  awareness  about  the  importance  of  birth  registration and the process by which children are registered.


31. While  welcoming the  additional  information provided by the  State party during the dialogue, the Committee is concerned that nationality at birth is not granted to children born on the territory of the State party who would otherwise be stateless.

32. The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Review the 2000 Ghanaian Citizenship Act and other relevant legislation relating  to  nationality  to  bring  them  into  line  with  international  standards  on prevention, reduction and protection of stateless children;
(b) Conduct  a  statelessness  mapping  study  in  order  to  better  prevent  and address the protection of stateless children or children at risk of statelessness;
(c) Consider  acceding to  the  1954  Convention  relating  to  the  Status  of Statelessness Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

Download conclusions on UN OHCHR website.

Themes: Acquisition of nationality, Acquisition by children, International standards, Birth Registration
Regions: Ghana
Year: 2015