CRC Concluding Observations: Liberia, 2012
Published: 13/Dec/2012
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Concluding observations on the combined second to fourth periodic reports of Liberia, adopted by the Committee at its sixty-first session (17 September-5 October 2012)
Name and nationality
41. The Committee regrets that, despite its previous recommendation, the granting of citizenship to children born in the State party remains restricted on the basis of colour or racial origin according to the provisions contained in article 27 of the Constitution and the Alien and the Nationalization Law, which are contrary to article 2 of the Convention.
42. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (CRC/C/15/Add.236, para 33, 2004) and calls upon the State party to take urgent measures to amend its Constitution and citizenship laws to eliminate discrimination on the basis of colour or racial origin.
Birth registration
43. While appreciating the efforts made by the State party to improve birth registration, which has culminated in the registration rate almost doubling in recent years, as well as the pilot project in seven counties aimed at universal birth registration with free birth certificates, the Committee remains concerned at the low rate of birth registration (seven per cent) and at the regional and gender disparities in birth registration, as well as at the low level of awareness among parents of the importance of birth registration.
44. The Committee encourages the State party to further strengthen its efforts at increasing the rate of birth registration, including through the effective implementation of the targeted joint projects with local partners and United Nations agencies. It further recommends that the State party launch extensive awareness-raising programmes including campaigns on the importance of birth registration, on the process of registration, and on the benefits thereof. In doing so, the State party should pay particular attention to the communities in outlying counties; it is further invited to consider the use of well-resourced mobile birth registration teams to cover remote and underserved areas and extending free-of-charge birth registration with free birth certificates for children of all ages.
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