CRC Concluding Observations: Mauritius, 2006
Published: 17/Mar/2006
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Committee on the Rights of the Child Forty-first session Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties Under Article 44 of the Convention Concluding observations: Mauritius
Birth registration
33. The Committee notes with appreciation the initiatives undertaken by the State party to deal with tardy declaration of births and unregistered children, including the establishment of a high level Committee chaired by the Attorney-General and the Minister of Women’s Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare and Consumer Protection in August 2005. It also notes the creation of a hotline operating on a 24-hour basis through which tardy declarations can be made. However, the Committee also notes that the procedures regarding late registration are still complex and very long.
34. The Committee encourages the State party to continue its initiatives to ensure that cases of tardy declarations are dealt within a more expeditious manner.
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