Dadaab Refugee Camps, Kenya – UNHCR Dadaab Bi-weekly Update, 1-15 September 2016

Published: 15/Sep/2016
Source: UNHCR

Population Verification Exercise

During the reporting period, report of the Population verification Exercise was finalized and published. The exercise was conducted in the Dadaab camps from 4th July to 10th August 2016, after more than three years from the previous one conducted between 2012 and 2013.

The objective of the exercise was to obtain accurate information on the persons residing in the Dadaab camps, in order to enhance the search for solutions to their situation.

The main findings of the exercise showed that out of 341,574 individuals registered in the Dadaab camps, 283,558 individuals were present in the camps. During the exercise, 25% of the current refugee population in the camps expressed their willingness to return (69,532 Somalis, 264 Ethiopians and 15 from other countries). The majority of them indicated their intention to return to Lower Juba (61%) followed by Bay (17%), Middle Juba (9%), Banadir (9%), Gedo (4%) and other areas (1%). A total of 24,655 individuals confessed to be Kenyans registered as refugees and another 3,355 households (15,799 individuals), at least one member has applied for or holds a Kenyan ID card. The number of individuals identified as “double registered” or impacted by “double registration” therefore totals 40,454.

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Themes: ID Documents and Passports, Nationality and Refugees, Statelessness
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2016