Declaration of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration
Published: 14/Aug/2010
Source: United Nations / African Union / African Development Bank
First Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13 – 14 August 2010
Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Africa
8. Note that the challenge before us now is to continue mobilizing and rallying political commitment and leadership for the improvement of CRVS systems in Africa. In this regard, we fully endorse the recommendations of our experts on strategies for strengthening CRVS systems. In the light of these recommendations, we hereby resolve to:
8.1 Take appropriate policy measures to facilitate the implementation of plans, programmes and initiatives for the reform and improvement of CRVS systems to achieve universal coverage and completeness, taking into consideration the specific circumstances of our countries. In this regard, we resolve to mainstream CRVS processes into national statistical development strategies and other national plans and programmes, including strengthening coordination of activities among various players at national, subregional and regional levels;
8.2 Formulate laws and policies that ensure timely and compulsory registration of vital events occurring within our countries, with guarantees for equal access to the system for all persons. In this regard, we commit to revise and update our CRVS laws and statistical legislation in line with international and regional guidelines and recommendations, and to allocate adequate human and financial resources for this purpose;
8.3 Intensify awareness-raising campaigns on the procedures and importance of CRVS systems, to ensure their effective functioning.
Download: Addis Ababa Declaration African Ministers CRVS 2010 Eng