DR Congo presidential aspirant Katumbi held Italian citizenship, town confirms

Published: 4/Avr/2018
Source: Africanews

Congolese opposition leader Moise Katumbi held Italian citizenship from October 2000 until January 2017, the Italian town where he was a resident said on Wednesday, jeopardising his hopes of contesting a presidential election later this year.

Democratic Republic of Congo’s attorney general said last week he had opened an investigation into allegations about Katumbi’s Italian nationality, first reported by Paris-based magazine Jeune Afrique.

Under Congo’s constitution, its nationals cannot hold dual citizenship and have to petition the government to regain their citizenship if they take up a foreign nationality.

The provision, however, is laxly enforced and many prominent politicians are believed to have second citizenships.

Read further: http://www.africanews.com/2018/04/04/dr-congo-presidential-aspirant-katumbi-held-italian-citizenship-town-confirms/

Themes: Double Nationalité, Nationalité des politiciens
Regions: République Démocratique du Congo
Year: 2018