DR Congo: Reject Discriminatory Nationality Bill
Published: 2/May/2023
Source: Human Rights Watch
(Kinshasa) – The Democratic Republic of Congo’s parliament should reject a draft law that authorities could use to discriminate against Congolese citizens on the basis of their parents’ national origin, Human Rights Watch said today.
The law would exclude from presidential office and senior institutional positions any Congolese with one parent of non-Congolese origin. Consideration of this bill during an election year heightens concerns that the authorities would use the law to prevent specific people from running for office, in violation of international legal protections on democratic participation and nondiscrimination. The legislation, known as the Tshiani or “Congolity” bill was first introduced in 2021 but was withdrawn after widespread objections. It is now placed on the agenda of the current ordinary session of the National Assembly, the Congolese’s parliament lower chamber, which may debate it during the three-month ordinary session that began in mid-March 2023.
Read further: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/05/02/dr-congo-reject-discriminatory-nationality-bill