Tanzania: Dual citizenship now on horizon

Published: 28/Mai/2014
Source: Tanzania Daily News

The Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ministry, through its Diaspora Directorate, is conducting a research on the exact number of Tanzanians abroad and their specializations as part of the preparations for the dual citizenship initiative.

Moving his 2014/15 budget estimates totalling 191.9bn/-, the Foreign Minister, Mr Bernard Membe, told the National Assembly on Tuesday that in collaboration with embassies they are registering Tanzanians who are living abroad so they help prop up economic development.

“We believe that the time is ripe for our country to have an Act that allows dual citizenship, in the interest of our nation’s development,” said Membe.

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Themes: Double Nationalité
Regions: Tanzanie, Afrique de l'Est
Year: 2014