Ethiopia: Nation Distributing Digital ID for Advanced National, Continental Services

Published: 24/Dec/2021
Source: Ethiopian Herald

Aimed at delivering advanced social, health and economic services Ethiopia is working on distributing digital ID cards to its citizens. Last week, Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MInT) State Minister Huriya Ali had consulted the digital ID distribution project officials regarding the status project. The national digital ID project is being implemented in various federal institutions.

The government is working to provide the digital national ID card to 95 percent of its citizens in the coming four years. According to Huriya, a national digital ID is vital to spread fair process and increase the confidence of citizens in online services. She added that the security of citizens’ personal information should get special attention.

The objective of the National ID project is to make every citizen legal resident with due right of getting quick services confidentially. National ID Project Manager Yodahe Arayaselassie said that the digital ID allows citizens get a permanent address and document services. He noted the registration to get the ID will be handled via with eye and fingerprints. So it will enable every citizen to have only one ID.

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Themes: ID Documents and Passports
Regions: Ethiopia
Year: 2021