Global Summit on Gender Equality in Nationality Laws
Published: 13/Juin/2023
Source: Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, UNHCR, UNICEF, and UN Women
UNHCR press release: Geneva summit garners action to tackle gender discriminatory nationality laws
Download interventions from African states and NGOs:
- Address by Mrs. Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr, Minister of Gender, Children & Social Protection, Liberia
- Remarks by Hon. Phila Buthelezi, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Eswatini
- Allocution de Mme Amina Bouayach, Présidente du Conseil national des droits de l’homme, Maroc
- Intervention de Noro Ravaozanany, Présidente de Focus Development Association-Madagascar
Watch the Summit recording in English, Arabic and French.