Good practices paper – Action 1: Resolving existing major situations of statelessness

Published: 23/Feb/2015
Source: UNHCR

UNHCR is publishing a series of Good Practices Papers to help States, with the support of other stakeholders, achieve the goals of its Campaign to End Statelessness within 10 Years.

Each Good Practices Paper corresponds to one of the 10 Actions proposed in UNHCR’s Global Action Plan to End Statelessness: 2014 – 2024 and highlights examples of how States, UNHCR and other stakeholders have addressed statelessness in a number of countries. Solutions to the problem of statelessness have to be tailored to suit the particular circumstances prevalent in a country. As such, these examples are not intended to serve as a blueprint for strategies to counter statelessness everywhere. However, governments, NGOs, international organizations and UNHCR staff seeking to implement the Global Action Plan will be able to adapt the ideas they find in these pages to their own needs.

Read more.

Themes: International standards, Statelessness
Regions: International
Year: 2015