Good Practices Paper – Action 2: Ensuring that no child is born stateless

Published: 20/Mar/2017
Source: UNHCR

Action 2 of the Global Action Plan calls on States to ensure that no child is born stateless. Only if statelessness among children is addressed will the objective of the Global Action Plan – to end all statelessness by 2024 – be fully realized. The goal of Action 2 is to ensure that by 2024 all States have provisions in law to grant nationality to (i) children born in their territory who do not acquire another nationality at birth, (ii) children of unknown origin found on their territory, and (iii) children born to their nationals abroad who do not obtain another nationality at birth.

Features case study of Kenya’s constitutional and law reform to provide protection for children of unknown parents.

Download from UNHCR website.

Themes: Acquisition by children, International standards, Statelessness
Regions: Kenya, International
Year: 2017