Home Affairs proposes big change for IDs in South Africa

Published: 26/Août/2022
Source: Businesstech.co.za

Home Affairs minister Aaron Motsoaledi says that his department will propose new legislation to make it possible for people as young as 10 to get an ID card in South Africa.

This is one of the measures he wants to implement to strengthen passport security in the country.

Speaking at a National Council of Provinces on Thursday (25 August), the minister said that Home Affairs wants more stringent border security and additional requirements for receiving important identification and travel documents in the country.

One of the mechanisms to manage fraud is to have more people on Home Affairs database, he said.

To achieve this, the minister said the department will propose new legislation to make it possible for people to get an ID at the age of 10 rather than wait until the age of 16.

Read further: https://businesstech.co.za/news/government/620051/home-affairs-proposes-big-change-for-ids-in-south-africa/

Themes: Cartes d’identité et passeports
Regions: Afrique du Sud
Year: 2022