Human Rights Committee Concluding Observations: Zimbabwe, 1998

Published: 6/Apr/1998
Source: UN Human Rights Committee

UN symbol CCPR/C/79/Add.89

Concluding observations on initial report of Zimbabwe


19. The Committee notes with concern that the decision of the Supreme Court in Rattigan and others v. Chief Immigration Officer and Others has been nullified by an amendment to the constitution, the effect of which is to deprive both men and women of the right to have their spouses registered as citizens, who as a consequence may not be allowed to reside in or enter the territory of Zimbabwe. The Committee considers that this amendment is incompatible with Articles 17 and 23 of the Covenant. The Committee recommends that steps be taken to bring the law into compliance with the Covenant. The Committee is also concerned that children born to Zimbabweans abroad may not acquire Zimbabwean citizenship.


Themes: Acquisition by children, Discrimination, Gender, Naturalisation and Marriage
Regions: Zimbabwe
Year: 1998