Identities and citizenship in Sudan: Governing constitutional principles

Published: 1/Jun/2013
Source: African Human Rights Law Journal

Nasredeen Abdulbari, “Identities and citizenship in Sudan: Governing constitutional principles” African Human Rights Law Journal, (2013) Vol.13  pp.383-414

In several states across the globe, the relationship between the state and its cultural, religious, ethnic, and tribal components is still an issue of fierce constitutional and political debate, both at formal and informal levels. A nation’s inability to properly deal with this sensitive question, through adherence to certain constitutional principles, makes it susceptible to instability and insecurity, and probably dichotomy and fragmentation. This article argues that the general recognition of diversity in a specific state is not, by itself, enough to guarantee peace and stability for that state.

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Themes: Acquisition of nationality, Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious
Regions: East Africa, Sudan
Year: 2013