Immigration and Citizenship Law in the Maghreb: Turning Aliens into Citizens
Published: 1/Jun/2011
Source: European University Institute, RSCAS
By Delphine Perrin, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2011/40
Abstract: For ten years, Maghreb countries have experienced unprecedented legislative developments, particularly in migration and citizenship law. The concomitance of reforms in both these fields – matching a parallel phenomenon in Europe – arguably reveals an awareness of being migrantreceiving countries and increasingly mixed societies. Revisions in citizenship legislation have mainly been motivated by gender-related concerns and, as such, have only affected immigrants indirectly. Despite some still rigid and discriminatory provisions, the Maghreb presents a range of regulations and national responses in addressing differences, which has the potential to turn successive generations of foreign residents into citizens. Yet, some recent changes have also demonstrated a new reluctance towards the possible integration of foreign citizens.
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