Law No. 28 of 22 December 1962 on Somali Citizenship

Published: 22/Dec/1962

Original post-independence law, still in force; incompatible with some aspects of 2012 constitution (especially on dual nationality). Extracts on citizenship at birth: Article 2. Acquisition of Citizenship by Operation of Law Any person: a) whose father is a Somali citizen; […]

Uganda Citizenship Act 1962

Published: 9/Oct/1962

Law elaborating on the provisions of the 1962 Constitution in relation to acquisition and loss of citizenship. Cap 65, Laws of Uganda. Repealed and replaced 1999. Download file: here (637 kb)

Constitution of Uganda 1962, Chapter II

Published: 9/Oct/1962

Contains provisions on attribution of citizenship on transition to independence and for citizenship based on birth in Uganda for those born after independence.  Repealed by the 1967 constitution. Download file: Uganda Constitution 1962 Citizenship

Sierra Leone: Constitution (Amendment) (No. 3) Act No 39 of 1962

Published: 3/Oct/1962

Further retroactive amendments to the constitution in relation to ‘negro African descent’ requirements. Download PDF: Sierra Leone Constitution Amendment No. 3 Act No 39 of 1962 Extract: 1. This Act may be cited as the Constitution (Amendment) (No. 3) Act, […]

Sierra Leone Nationality and Citizenship Act No. 10 of 1962

Published: 17/Mar/1962

Supplementing constitutional provisions on citizenship by providing for acquisition of citizenship by registration or naturalisation, and for renunciation and deprivation of citizenship. Adopted with effect from 27 April 1961. Download: Sierra Leone Nationality and Citizenship Act 10 of 1962

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