Some Legal Questions Arising from the Expulsion of the Ugandan Asians

Published: 1/Apr/1974
Source: International and Comparative Law Quarterly

Some Legal Questions Arising from the Expulsion of the Ugandan Asians By Vishnu D. Sharma and F. Wooldridge The International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol. 23, No. 2 (Apr., 1974), pp. 397-425 Read on JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/758441

Malawi Citizenship Act 1966 as amended 1971

Published: 1/Jan/1972

As amended by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No.5 of 1971 to provide citizenship to those born in Malawi only if one parent was a citizen of Malawi (text in bold in section 4), as well as a person […]

Ghana: Shalabi v. Attorney-General

Published: 26/Nov/1971
Source: High Court of Ghana

Summary: The facts: The plaintiffs had been born to Lebanese parents in the Gold Coast becoming citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies by birth. The Gold Coast became independent as the State of Ghana in 1957. In 1968 the […]

Ghana Nationality Act 1971 & amending decrees

Published: 3/Jul/1971

Act 361. Repeals and replaces the Nationality Decree 1967. PDF includes the text of the amending decrees: Ghana Nationality (Amendment) Decree, 1972 (N.R.C.D. 134) Ghana Nationality (Amendment) Decree, 1978 (S.M.C.D. 172) Ghana Nationality (Amendment) Decree, 1979 (A.F.R.C.D. 42) Download: Ghana […]

Lesotho Citizenship Order, No.16 of 1971

Published: 1/Jan/1971

Repealed and replaced the 1967 Citizenship Act. Part II of the Order (on citizenship attributed at birth) was repealed and replaced by the 1993 Constitution. (See also two amendments in 1991: the second repealed the first.) Download file (3MB): Lesotho […]

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