Botswana: National Registration Act No 26 of 1986

Published: 31/Dec/1986

Legislation providing for the national identity card (Omang). Download original version: Botswana National Registration Act 1986 Amended by Act 23, 1987; Act 9, 1993; Act 17, 1993; and Act 11, 2017. Download consolidated version with amendments to 1993: Botswana National […]

Zimbabwe: Births and Deaths Registration Act 1986, as amended to 2005

Published: 20/Jun/1986

Chapter 5:02 of the Laws of Zimbabwe; Act No.11/1986, as amended by Acts 7/1994, 6/2000, 22/2001, 6/2005. Provides that: 10: Subject to this Act, notification and registration of the birth, still-birth or death of any person which occurs in Zimbabwe […]

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