Citizenship, Nationality, Gender, and Class in Southern Africa

Published: 12/Nov/1993
Source: Alternatives: Global, Local, Political

By Rudo Gaidzanwa, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political — Feminists Write International Relations (Winter 1993), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 39-59 Abstract There is an abundance of literature on citizenship as a problematic concept for women in Western political thought.  D. […]

Constitution of Ghana 1992

Published: 7/Jan/1993

Constitution approved at the Referendum held on 28 April 1992 and entered into force on 7 January 1993, as promulgated by the Constitution of the Fourth Republic of Ghana (Promulgation) Law, 1992 (PNDCL 282). Download chapter 3 on citizenship (original […]

Ghana Refugee Law, 1992

Published: 30/Dec/1992

PNDCL 305D, adopted 30 December 1992; entry into force 27 August 1993. According to the law a refugee is a person that falls within the definitions provided in the 1951 Refugee Convention and the OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects […]

Britain and Kenya’s Citizenship Law: A Conflict of Laws?

Published: 1/Dec/1992
Source: Immigration & Nationality Law & Practice

Ramnik Shah, ‘Britain and Kenya’s Citizenship Law: A Conflict of Laws?’, Immigration & Nationality Law & Practice 6, no. 4 (1992): 120–25. Considers the 1985 amendment to Kenya’s citizenship law removing rights based on birth in Kenya. Download: Shah, Britain […]

Swaziland Citizenship Act No 14 of 1992

Published: 1/Dec/1992

Still in force as concerns provisions on naturalisation; some provisions overruled by 2005 constitution: no new legislation has been adopted that conforms with the constitutional provisions. Download file: Swaziland Citizenship Act 1992

Constitution de la République de Djibouti 1992 (extraits)

Published: 15/Sep/1992

ARTICLE 24 : Tout candidat aux fonctions de Président de la République doit être de nationalité djiboutienne, à l’exclusion de tout autre, jouir de ses droits civiques et politiques et être âgé de quarante ans au moins. ARTICLE 57 : […]

Lesotho/Hong Kong: Li Jin Fei and Others v Director of Immigration

Published: 11/Sep/1992
Source: High Court of Hong Kong

Court High Court (Hong Kong) Judgment Date 11 September 1992 Judgement Number HCMP816/1992 Subject Miscellaneous Proceedings ———————– J U D G M E N T ———————– 1. All these three applications for Judicial Review cover similar ground. They relate to […]

Malawi Citizenship (Amendment) Act No.22 of 1992

Published: 1/Sep/1992

2. The Malawi Citizenship Act (hereinafter referred to as the “principal Act”) is amended in section 2 by deleting the definition “person of African race”. 3. Section 4 of the principal Act is amended by deleting the words “and is […]

Malawi Citizenship Act 1966, as amended 1992

Published: 1/Sep/1992

As amended by the Malawi Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) to delete the definition “person of African race” in section 2 and the words “and is a person of African race” in sections 4 and 5. Download […]

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