Marriage To A Foreigner: What it means in terms of Namibian laws

Published: 13/Apr/2006
Source: The Namibian

by * TONI HANCOX THEY met, fell in love and got married. He is Namibian, she isn’t. It should be one of the happiest times in a couple’s life – the period of wedded bliss just after marriage. From the […]

Constitution of Uganda 1995, as amended 2005

Published: 15/Feb/2006

Chapter III and Schedule 3 amended by Uganda Constitution Amendment Act, No.11 of 2005; Schedule 5 substituted by Act No.21 of 2005. Download file: Uganda Constitution 1995 as amended 2005

Sudan Nationality Law 1994 (Amended 2006)

Published: 1/Jan/2006

As amended by Miscellaneous Amendments Act No. 1, 2006 Download: Sudan Nationality Law 1994 (amended 2005) EN In Arabic: Sudan Nationality Law 1994 (amended 2005) AR

Uganda Constitution Amendment Act, No.21 of 2005

Published: 30/Dec/2005

Substitutes the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution, on regional governments. New Article 4 provides that: (2) A person shall not be qualified to be elected a regional chairperson unless — (a) he or she is a citizen of Uganda by […]

Nationalism, Identity and Citizenship in The Western Sahara

Published: 1/Dec/2005
Source: Journal of North African Studies

By Pablo San Martin, Journal of North African Studies, Vol.10, No.3–4 (September–December 2005) pp.565–592 Abstract: This article explores the processes of development and naturalisation of the Saharawi national identity that emerged during the 1970s under the leadership of the Frente […]

CRC Concluding Observations: Uganda, 2005

Published: 23/Nov/2005
Source: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

CRC/C/UGA/CO/2 Fortieth session Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Article 44 of the Convention Concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Uganda Birth registration 37. The Committee notes with appreciation that the delegation underscored […]

Niger: State Report to CEDAW, 2005

Published: 21/Nov/2005
Source: UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

CEDAW/C/NER/1-2 Initial and second report of the Niger on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Final Document submitted June 2001; published November 2005. 15. While appreciating the various legal reforms that have taken place, […]

Cote d’Ivoire: What’s in a name: A fight for identity

Published: 1/Nov/2005
Source: IRIN

BOUAKE, 1 November 2005 (IRIN) – “We needed a war because we needed our identity cards,” explained rebel fighter Adama Traore, one of thousands of rebels who control the northern half of Cote d’Ivoire. “Without an identity card you are […]

There are no refugees in this area: Self-settled refugees in Koboko

Published: 1/Nov/2005
Source: Refugee Law Project (Kampala)

The following study focuses on self-settled refugees who were once living in camps, but are presently self-settled and living in Koboko. Most of these refugees fled the settlements due to insecurity, others left in search of economic opportunities in town, yet […]

The Politics of Citizenship in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa

Published: 16/Oct/2005
Source: Studia Africana (Centro de Estudios Africanos de Barcelona)

Frederick Cooper, ‘The Politics of Citizenship in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa’, Studia Africana Vol.16 (2005): 14–23. “My goal in this article is to look at a crucial period in African history, the decade and a half after World War II […]

Scramble for Botswana citizenship

Published: 7/Oct/2005
Source: Botswana Gazette

Most of Batswana – especially women – place too much trust in foreigners and end up in marriages undergone to acquire Botswana citizenship. The Minister of Labour and Home Affairs, Major General Moeng Pheto, says there is a growing trend […]

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