Joint Submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child: South Africa

Published: 1/Nov/2020
Source: Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion

88th Pre-Sessional Working Group 08 -12 February 2021

The Scalabrini Centre of Cape Town, Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), the Centre for Child Law and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (the Institute) welcome the opportunity to make this submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (the Committee) regarding South Africa’s compliance with the right of every child to acquire a nationality under Article 7 CRC and preserve their nationality under Article 8 CRC. This submission also draws on the Guiding Principles of the Convention, in particular, the freedom from discrimination (Article 2) and the best interests of the child (Article 3).


The issues of concern highlighted in this submission cover four areas:
I.Access to citizenship
II.Access to birth registration
III.Blocked IDs and resultant barriers in accessing citizenship
IV.Lack of a statelessness determination procedure

Download from Institute on Statelessness & Inclusion:

Themes: Acquisition by children, International standards, Birth Registration, ID Documents and Passports, Statelessness
Regions: South Africa
Year: 2020