Judge declares surrogate child a Namibian citizen

Published: 13/Oct/2021
Source: The Namibian (Windhoek)

by Werner Menges

Same-sex couple Phillip Lühl and Guillermo Delgado scored a victory in the Windhoek High Court on Wednesday, with judge Thomas Masuku declaring that their first-born child is a Namibian citizen by descent.

Masuku also ordered the minister of home affairs, immigration, safety and security to issue a certificate of Namibian citizenship to the couple’s son, who was born through a surrogate pregnancy in South Africa in March 2019.

Although Lühl, who is a born Namibian, is reflected on the boy’s birth certificate as one of his parents, with the Mexican-born Delgado reflected as the second parent, the home affairs ministry has been refusing to acknowledge that the boy is a Namibian citizen by descent.

Read further: https://www.namibian.com.na/106233/read/Judge-declares-surrogate-child-a-Namibian-citizen

Themes: Acquisition by children, Discrimination, Gender, Birth Registration
Regions: Namibia
Year: 2021