Botswana: Khama is not a foreigner – Nasha
Published: 29/Nov/2011
Source: Mmegi (Gaborone)
The Speaker of the National Assembly Margaret Nasha came to President Ian Khama’s rescue as opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) demanded to know whether it is true that Khama enjoys dual citizenship – these being Botswana and British citizenship.
Lobatse MP Nehemiah Modubule posed the question to the Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration, Mokgweetsi Masisi in Parliament yesterday.
In response, an irate Masisi said that Khama’s citizenship was not in doubt. « Not in doubt, » he emphasised, adding that Khama is a Motswana. Masisi said he was amazed by the innuendo in Modubule’s question saying that it was contrary to Standing Order Number 28.1J. He said as experienced as Modubule is, he ought to know that he should not be blinded by his below-the-belt enquiry that is inconsistent with the politics of « growth, development and progress ».
He said being a Motswana meant that you are not allowed to hold the citizenship of another country. He said that to impute that Khama was an outlaw without evidence is a serious matter. « I hold Modubule responsible for this and it is only he who can redeem himself and those whom he caused to so believe not to mention the many loose cannons who have chosen to speak rather irresponsibly outside Parliament, » he said.
Masisi said that the opposition seemed to have a tendency to peddle anything that bashes the Presidency no matter who the president was. « Let us get serious and address the real issues that Batswana would like us to, » he said.
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