Liberia: Bill to amend Part III, Chapter 20, Section 20.1; Chapter 21, Sections 21.30, 21.31, 21.51 & 21.52 and Chapter 22, Sections 22.1, 22.1 & 22.4 of the Aliens and Nationality Law of the Liberian Code of Law Revised, Vol. II.
Published: 2/Nov/2021
Bill introduced to the House of Representatives by Acarous Gray of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) . The Act, if it entered into force, provides that:
- children born in Liberia are Liberian (retaining the existing wording)
- children born outside Liberia are Liberian if both parents are Liberian
- children born anywhere of one Liberian parent are Liberian, but if they acquire the citizenship of the other parent at birth they must (in accordance with art.28 of the constitution) renounce the other citizenship on reaching majority
- dual citizenship is permitted for those naturalising in another country
- acquisition based on marriage applies equally to husband and wives of citizens
Download scan: Liberia Bill to amend Aliens and Nationality Law (Acarous Gray) Nov2021