Liberia: Catholic Bishop Supports Dual Citizenship

Published: 9/May/2018
Source: FrontPageAfrica (Monrovia)

Harper, Maryland County – Catholic Bishop Francis J. Karnley has joined scores of Liberians in and out of the country to support a dual citizenship law.

Bishop Karnley said enacting dual citizenship will provide other nationals the chance to enjoy similar privileges appreciated by Liberians in other countries.

The debate on dual citizenship is one of several discussions that have taken the center stage in Liberia, with some supporting while others expressing firm opposition.

Said Bishop Karnley: “I support the debate on dual citizenship clearly for Liberians, because there are a lot of people who left this country because of war and threat on their lives, because of the lack of opportunity to go and develop and today they are in other parts of the World contributing and supporting their brothers and sister here. Why should they be denied citizenship?”

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Themes: Dual Nationality
Regions: Liberia
Year: 2018