Liberia: Govt Says “Dual Citizens” Can Now Obtain Passports

Published: 14/Oct/2021
Source: African Star (Monrovia)

Monrovia, Liberia, Washington, DC – October 14, 2021: Liberians who supposedly lost their citizenship after naturalizing in other countries can now reclaim same.

The Ministry of Justice in Liberia issued an advisory to the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs on September 22, 2021 in which it cited the High Court Ruling and Judgement of December 19, 2019. In that legal ruling Liberia’s Supreme Court “…declared Sections 22.1 and 22.2 of the Aliens and Nationality Law, title 4 of the Liberia Code of Law Revises, approved May 15, 1973 and published , unconstitutional, to the extent that it does not provide due process before forfeiture of Liberian citizenship…”

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Themes: Dual Nationality
Regions: Liberia
Year: 2021