Liberian Born Lebanese Wants Liberian Citizenship Status

Published: 27/Sep/2017
Source: FrontPageAfrica (Monrovia)

Bong Mines, Bong County – A man claiming to be a Liberian born Lebanese residing in Bong Mines Bong County says it will be an honor if he obtains a citizenship status in Liberia thereby calling for the passage of the dual citizenship act.

Mr. Abraham Farah commonly known as AB Farah said as a Liberian born Lebanese, he has the right to obtain a Liberian Citizenship status but he has not been given the opportunity.

According to Mr. Farah, he has made all effort to naturalize himself in the Country by engaging those responsible but little or nothing has being done to address his plight.

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Themes: Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious, Dual Nationality, Naturalisation and Marriage
Regions: Liberia
Year: 2017