Liberia’s Ambassador Designate to UK Maintains She’s Liberian

Published: 5/Déc/2018
Source: Front Page Africa (Monrovia)

MONROVIA – Her US citizenship has been an issue of discussion since she was announced Liberia’s Ambassador-designate to the United States and later the United Kingdom.

Report by Henry Karmo,

Reports say her nomination as Liberia’s ambassador to the US was rejected by the United States government because she carries a US citizenship.

Few weeks after Gurly T. Gibson was announced Ambassador-designate to the Court of St. James, the United Kingdom, she appeared on Tuesday, December 4, before the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee to give reasons why she should be considered by the Senate to serve as Liberia’s ambassador to the Court of St. James.

Gurly avoided questions about her citizenship that appears to be an issue raised by some section of the media.

“I am a Liberian,” she told journalists.

Interestingly, moments after her confirmation, a report for confirmation consideration was placed on the Agenda of Tuesday session by the three committee members, who had conducted the hearing. The three-person committee was headed by Senator Conmany Wesseh of River Gee County.

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Themes: Double Nationalité, Nationalité des politiciens
Regions: Libéria
Year: 2018