Long-awaited nationality for Asian stateless in Kenya

Published: 2/Sep/2021
Source: Asian Statelessness Eradication Initiative in Kenya

4 decades ago, this issue began by a change in law, split families, and changed a whole generation of people. On the wayside got left behind roughly 4 to 5 dozen individuals. Extremely marginalized.

On Thursday, 02 September 2021, a celebratory ceremony was hosted at KFEET (Karura Forest Environmental Education Trust) grounds to issue certificates of citizenship to stateless members of the Asian Community currently residing in Kenya.

Parliament passed the Citizenship and Immigration Act as the law to govern issues of statelessness in 2012.

Download press release: Kenyan Asian Statelessness Eradication Press Release 2Sept2021

Download summary of the work of the Kenyan Asian Statelessness Eradication Initiative: Kenyan Asian Statelessness Eradication Initiative Sept2021

Themes: Discrimination, Ethnic/Racial/Religious, Naturalisation and Marriage, Statelessness
Regions: Kenya
Year: 2021