Nationality and Cases of Statelessness in the Middle East and North Africa
Published: 1/Jan/2016
Source: The Legal Agenda
Chapter 1 begins by exploring the concepts of nationality and statelessness, what both of these mean in the regional context and also under international laws and standards. Chapter 2 will then go on to discuss the origins of nationality law and its influences, providing information on what movements and ideologies resulted in the often discriminatory nationality laws and practices that we have in place today. Chapter 3 will then shine a light on one of the most prevalent forms of discrimination in the region – laws that discriminate against women in the transmission of their nationality. In addition to showing the causes and consequences of this discrimination, it will also highlight some good practices. Alongside this broad framework, historical and topical case studies will present the development of situations of statelessness that are being addressed and factors that are causing new cases of statelessness.
This book was prepared in partnership with Tilburg University and the Open Society Foundations in the scope of the MENA Nationality and Statelessness Project. The book was edited by Laura van Waas and Zahra Albarazi.
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