Report of fact-finding mission to Eritrea 4 – 18 November 2002
Published: 29/Apr/2003
Source: Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Home Office, United Kingdom
Extracts from Introduction
To inform decision-making on asylum applications by Home Office caseworkers and other officials involved in the asylum determination process, the Country Information & Policy Unit (CIPU) of the Home Office Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate (AAPD) produce assessments on the countries which generate the largest number of asylum applications in the UK. These country assessments are publicly available documents and are published on the Home Office website ( By their nature each country assessment concentrates on the main issues that are most likely to arise in the asylum determination process. The information contained in these country assessments is not exhaustive, nor does it catalogue all human rights violations. They are compiled from a wide variety of sources that are listed at the end of each country assessment.
Common themes of asylum claims made in the UK have included potential statelessness, based on difficulties establishing Eritrean nationality; persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses; alleged harsh treatment of military deserters and draft evaders, including Muslim women who refuse military service; membership of opposition groups such as the various ELF factions and ethnic-based persecution of small minority groups.
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