Report of the Law Commission on the Review of the Malawi Citizenship Act
Published: 11/Jun/2021
Source: Malawi Law Commission
The need for review of the Malawi Citizenship Act (the act) has been longstanding and ongoing from various stakeholders and on different aspects of the act. Among the submissions, the Parliamentary Women Caucus in Malawi made a submission to the Law Commission to initiate a review of certain discriminatory provisions in the Act. The submission was given effect when the special Law Commission on the Review of Certain Laws on Defilement of Young girls, Wills and Inheritance, Citizenship, Marriage and Affiliation made a recommendation for amendment of the Act in 1996. Subsequently, in 2002, the Law Commission produced a Discussion Paper which highlighted further gaps in the Act that necessitated, perhaps, a comprehensive review of the act. Further, in February 2012 the Law Commission received a submission from Malawians in the diaspora to review legislation on immigration and citizenship. In particular, the submission requested the Law Commission to consider revisiting the provisions prohibiting dual citizenship. Eventually, Government made a submission to the Law Commission for a review of the Act in 2015. In February, 2016 the special Law Commission on the review of the Malawi Citizenship Act
was empaneled and work on the programme commenced with the purpose of making a comprehensive review of the act.
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