Rwanda: Parliament, Senate seek middle ground in citizenship act debate

Published: 1/Juin/2021
Source: The New Times (Kigali)

By Nasra Bishumba

A little over 13 years ago, Tanzanian national Abdul-Kareem Nchimbi moved to Rwanda in search of business opportunities in the petroleum sector.

Although his initial plan was to commute between Rwanda and Tanzania where his wife and two children lived, Nchimbi fell in love with the country and decided to move his family to Rwanda within one year. The rest, as they say, is history.

Nchimbi has been meticulously preparing his next step, to apply for Rwandan citizenship.

However, following a disagreement between the lower chamber of parliament and the Senate on how long one must stay in Rwanda before they are considered for citizenship is something to go by, Nchimbi and his family may have to wait a little longer.

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Themes: Naturalisation et le mariage
Regions: Rwanda
Year: 2021