South Africa : ANC wants tighter citizenship laws to keep out foreigners
Published: 31/Juil/2022
Source: Daily News (Harare)
SPOUSAL and relative’s visas should be done away with because the system is being “abused by foreign nationals” to settle in SA, the ANC has said in an additional discussion document distributed to delegates at the policy conference on Friday night.
In the document, which the FM has seen and which wasn’t distributed before the conference, the party proposes that the Immigration Act should be tightened to contain fewer visa categories. “There is no basis from the immigration point of view to have a plethora of visas,” the document reads. It says the spousal and relative’s visa are “in essence visitor’s visas”.
It continues: “There is no rational basis to link marriage and/or [a] form of relationship (relative) to the immigration factors,” the document reads. The document envisages that existing laws regarding marriage and children should be sufficient to cover foreigners marrying South Africans, but doesn’t make clear what this means.
“Citizenship laws must be tightened to avoid undeserving foreign nationals becoming SA citizens by default and through fraudulent means and in the process exploit the country for some criminal and underhanded business activities,” a policy recommendation in the document reads.
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