South Africa Constitution 1996

Published: 4/Dec/1996

Approved by the Constitutional Court (CC) on 4 December 1996 and entered into force on 4 February 1997.

Article 3: Citizenship

1. There is a common South African citizenship.

2. All citizens are ­:
a. equally entitled to the rights, privileges and benefits of citizenship; and
b. equally subject to the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.

3. National legislation must provide for the acquisition, loss and restoration of citizenship.

Article 20: Citizenship

No citizen may be deprived of citizenship.

Article 28: Children

1. Every child has the right ­
a. to a name and a nationality from birth;
b. to family care or parental care, or to appropriate alternative care when removed from the family environment;

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Themes: Acquisition of nationality, Loss and Deprivation of Nationality
Regions: South Africa
Year: 1996