South Africa: Gigaba was ‘incorrect’ to naturalise Guptas, committee finds

Published: 18/Mar/2019
Source: Mail & Guardian (South Africa)

By Jan Gerber

The parliamentary portfolio committee on home affairs has found that former Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba was “incorrect” in granting members of the controversial Gupta family early naturalisation, but did not recommend any sanctions.

The committee recommended that criminal charges be laid against Gupta lieutenant Ashu Chawla and members of the Gupta family “relating to false information submitted in their early naturalisation applications”.

It also recommended that the matter be brought before the Zondo commission of inquiry into state capture.

Parliament instructed the committee to conduct an investigation into the early naturalisation of Ajay Gupta, his wife Shivani, mother Angoori, and sons Kamal Kant Singhala and Surya Kant Singhala. The naturalisation applications were made during Gigaba’s first stint in the home affairs portfolio.

The committee’s report was tabled on Thursday and distributed on Monday.

It is expected to go to the National Assembly for consideration and adoption this week.

Read further:

Themes: Naturalisation and Marriage, Loss and Deprivation of Nationality
Regions: South Africa
Year: 2019